Nobody really knows why we are in this world. Anybody who tells you he does is lying.
I know why are whe in this world, but I don't know what we did to deserve this, well I think we wished for things like: we want to be separated from God, and so God is so kind that he put us in this material existence, so we can go with each other, what is mine what is yours, until we don't have enough, or even worse, some souls never return back to Godhead, but I'm not here to scare you, because serving to God should be pleasant, happy, and joyfull, so why not dance for him and sing Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare?, Bhakti yoga is the way to get your ticket back to Godhead in this life, because I mean why wait? And now bhakti-yoga has the book where is perfectly explaned by someone who has seen God but don't just look for Bhagavad-Gita, look for Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, if you study this book and do whatever this book says, then you'll get whatever you wish for and even more, because you cannot take your money with you when you die.
Ultimately, when a soul starts to think that this is not an ordinary life, that it starting to realize that there is something more to life, that there is a place with no suffering and that we're actually traped in this material existence, and so we want to be free, but literally really free, then God reveals himself, maybe not like in persons, but trough his folowers.
Why are we in this world? We're all patients, we are al sick of this material existence and the fact that we want to enjoy without God in our life, we got dirty, all that dirt and dust that came over your mind, you need to cleanse that or to better say, we need to get brainwashed, haha
how to bainwahs yourself you may ask?; -folow principles of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, Krsna, watches us, everything counts what you do in his name even now when you heard his name, you allready have the ticket.
Jay Sri Krishna!