Why Komodo Group-Signed Transactions Are Not Spam
There are several in here that accuse the Komodo notary nodes in their group-signed transaction of contributing to the delays on the Bitcoin Network. This is not the case. First, our transactions count for well less than 1% of the current backlog. In addition they are a part of a necessary function in the SuperNET ecosystem aimed at
enhancing the bitcoin networks scalability. Everyone has heard of the block size debate and its proposed solutions. Whether you are a proponent of SegWit + LN or BigBlocks or some other method in-between, most all can agree something needs done. Komodo aims at tackling current and future need for storing data on a secure distributed ledger through its
scalability mechanism known as " Delayed Proof-of-Work ".Delayed Proof-of-Work works by receiving submissions from third-party blockchains and recording their hashes into a Komodo Block. The blockhash of that block is then submitted in a group-signed transaction to Bitcoin's Network through a group of elected node operators. This signed transaction forms a "checkpoint" where if at a future time either a third-party blockchain or Komodo itself becomes threatened by a malicious actor or a fork divides the community, this checkpoint system gives the operators of the respective networks a " last known good" block hash from which they can start efforts of fixing their network.
The Delayed Proof-of-Work system is
already securing more than 36 blockchains!!! For an attacker to totally compromise Komodo or the independent block chains that it secures it would have to undermine bitcoin's security, which is an extremely difficult if not impossible feat.
Delayed Proof-of-Work acts as a scalability mechanism in the sense that developers can develop blockchain based projects, in full control of their own blockchain without being restricted by the technical and political limitations of bitcoin or other parent network while at the same time benefit from the security granted by the incredible amount of hashing power that is used to secure bitcoin.
To learn more about how the Delayed Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism works
https://komodoplatform.com/whitepaper/or to find out how more about Komodo and SuperNET's cutting edge crypto developments