I watched the debate also and even the one between Jonny and Roger later. For me there is nothing wrong in having 2MB but the issue here is we can get much more than 2MB with SegWit and much more with lighting. The issue on ground is more of political debate than development because I think some people felt left out of the game and want a share of the cake
segwit does not give 2mb or 4mb straight off the boat of activation.
segwit doesnt solve 100% malleability
segwit doesnt solve 100% quadratics
it wont solve it by having just 100% of pools using segwit
it wont solve it by having 100% of nodes using segwit.
the promises can only be achieved if 100% of funds are sent using segwit transactions..
which malicious people wont use segwit keys. meaning problem not solved, and tx count boost maximum expectation wont be achieved