Please bet in multiples of 20 FC (you can send 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, ... FC); extra will be regarded as tip
Betting ends on Thursday May 2, 2013 23:40:00 GMT
Drawing on Friday May 3, 2013 00:00:00 GMTApril 26 Winner!
Feathercoin seems to be off to a great start so I'm going to be hosting a lottery. I hope everyone has lots of fun!
This thread will be dedicated to the FC Weekly Lottery. Rounds will be 7 days long.
When you send FC, a transaction hash is created. This is your ticket number. If you have bought more tickets that the second ticket will be your transaction hash a number at the end (starting with 1).
Ticket 1 = txid;
Ticket 2 = SHA256(txid1);
Ticket 3 = SHA256(txid2);
Bets sent after the drawing time will be sent back with a 5% fee.
The winner will be determined using a mixer hash. The mixer hash is determined through a combination of 3 events. It is very difficult to determine what these hashes will be before the drawing.
1. Block Hash of first FC block after 0:00 GMT.
2. Block Hash of first LTC block after 0:00 GMT.
3. Block Hash of first FC block after 0:30 GMT.
mixerhash = SHA256("1"+"2"+"3");
Note: no plus signs or quotations
To determine a winner all FC transaction hash ("ticket hash") will be hashed with the mixerhash added to the end. All mixed hashes will be compared with each other. The hash that is the lowest will be the winner.
mixedHash = SHA256 ("ticket"+"mixerhash");
After this is done a .csv file will be posted and the winner will be announced. You will then have 24 hours if you think that it is a fake winner or that your ticket had a lower value. Then 98% of the pool will be donated to this winner.
I will take a 2% rake to run this lottery.
I will always add 100 FC to the Pot to buy 4 tickets. (Usually this would buy 5 tickets)Note2: The rules are very similar to
bitlotto.comNote3: The house is now only allowed to buy 1 ticket at a cost of 30 FC.