We are entering 4 parameters to send bitcoin. Address, Description, Quantity, Fee
1. Is it mandatory to enter the description parameter?
Can we make a transfer by making the description blank?
The bitcoin protocol does
NOT require a description. Depending on the wallet software you are using, your wallet might require you to enter a description. If you don't like that, then use a different wallet.
2. Can anyone else read the description we have entered? So the miner who approved the transaction can read this description? Can this description be read after the process is completed? Technically this is possible?
The bitcoin protocol does
NOT use descriptions. Depending on the wallet software you are using, your wallet might share the description with others. If you don't like that, then use a different wallet.
When I transfer bitcoin to someone, I write something in the description. When Bitcoin reaches the other side, he can see what I wrote in his wallet.
How that happens?
What wallet are you using? Some wallets share the descriptions with the recipient or with the public. If you don't like that, then use a different wallet.