first i sent a low fee transaction because i thougt amount of money is alrigt when i bought bitcoins. Transaktion got marked as replaceable, but in that time, my order for a gift card got canceled, so i dont need to pay this transaction any more. But what should i do to progress with that replaceable payment.
This is link to blockchain
https://blockchain.info/tx/b9eee7ac3434ce610955e5aea6a6500fe2f31139eda61ff14ed3c013e7c21fb2Thanks for tipps and help
What wallet are you using? If the transaction does not confirm at all, it will be removed from the Bitcoin mempool and you'll get your money back. It'll be as if the transaction never happened. Otherwise, get in touch with them now and explain the situation so that they know you might be asking them soon for a refund if you can't do a replacement in time. Your wallet will need to support that feature for a replacement to be feasible in this case.