What should the fee for 0.03 with 2 inputs ?
I just send my 0.03 with 2 inputs for 10k sat just now and hope to see the transaction will confirm fast.
Honestly... the 0.03 is irrelevant... it is the number of inputs (or more correctly, the total data size of your transaction) that is important when attempting to calculate a "good" fee
Use this formula: (#inputs * 148) + (#outputs * 34) + 10
This should give you a pretty decent estimate of the total transaction size in bytes... so in your case, with 2 inputs and 1 output:
(2 * 148) + (1 * 34) + 10 = 296 + 34 + 10 = 340 bytes.
Your actual transaction was 338 bytes... so you can see, it's pretty close... now, simply take your size in bytes... multiply by (at least) 10... and that is minimum fee you'll need for ViaBTC TX accelerator. in this case, 3400 sats... Then just wait until a new hour ticks over... and submit your transaction to:
https://pool.viabtc.com/tools/txaccelerator/Then just wait until they mine a block (sometimes two depending on how busy the network is and how long it has been since they mined a block)...
You got "lucky"... the network isn't too busy at the moment... less than 5000 unconfirmed, the bulk of which are < 20 sats/byte fee... if there were 10-20K+ unconfirmed, you'd probably still be waiting