Dimelord (OP)
March 10, 2017, 03:05:30 AM |
The australian computer scientist Craig wright is continuing his effort to get lots of digital currency and block chain patents and claims to be Satoshi nakamoto. Satoshi published the bitcoin white paper and dissapeared after releasing versions of bitcoin.Patent race is going on.Wright is fighting with some 70 banks to get the patent.If any of them got patent for bitcoin,then what would happen???
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1106
Dragonslots | +13k Slots & Casino Games
March 10, 2017, 03:23:18 AM |
The australian computer scientist Craig wright is continuing his effort to get lots of digital currency and block chain patents and claims to be Satoshi nakamoto. Satoshi published the bitcoin white paper and dissapeared after releasing versions of bitcoin.Patent race is going on.Wright is fighting with some 70 banks to get the patent.If any of them got patent for bitcoin,then what would happen???
In a recent days article it's been explained about the patent application for 70 bitcoin and blockchain based technology invention through his lawyer. In my opinion such an effort is based on the upcoming etf, because when bitcoin ETF is approved the trading regulations serve similar to shares. This gets him a patent earning wherever it gets implemented. I don't think he'll be given patent rights, because his identity as Satoshi is not yet confirmed.
March 10, 2017, 05:14:44 AM |
The australian computer scientist Craig wright is continuing his effort to get lots of digital currency and block chain patents and claims to be Satoshi nakamoto. Satoshi published the bitcoin white paper and dissapeared after releasing versions of bitcoin.Patent race is going on.Wright is fighting with some 70 banks to get the patent.If any of them got patent for bitcoin,then what would happen???
In a recent days article it's been explained about the patent application for 70 bitcoin and blockchain based technology invention through his lawyer. In my opinion such an effort is based on the upcoming etf, because when bitcoin ETF is approved the trading regulations serve similar to shares. This gets him a patent earning wherever it gets implemented. I don't think he'll be given patent rights, because his identity as Satoshi is not yet confirmed. I hope the real Satoshi sends a message to the media signed by a key only the real Satoshi has denouncing software patents.
I hereby reserve the right to sometimes be wrong
March 10, 2017, 05:48:26 AM |
The australian computer scientist Craig wright is continuing his effort to get lots of digital currency and block chain patents and claims to be Satoshi nakamoto. Satoshi published the bitcoin white paper and dissapeared after releasing versions of bitcoin.Patent race is going on.Wright is fighting with some 70 banks to get the patent.If any of them got patent for bitcoin,then what would happen???
In a recent days article it's been explained about the patent application for 70 bitcoin and blockchain based technology invention through his lawyer. In my opinion such an effort is based on the upcoming etf, because when bitcoin ETF is approved the trading regulations serve similar to shares. This gets him a patent earning wherever it gets implemented. I don't think he'll be given patent rights, because his identity as Satoshi is not yet confirmed. I hope the real Satoshi sends a message to the media signed by a key only the real Satoshi has denouncing software patents. The blockchain is free and open source and some guy appears and wants to patent all the technology just to make money.This is ridiculous. I`m still wondering why Satoshi Nakamoto left the bitcoin community? Perhaps he was dissapointed by somethig.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1008
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
March 10, 2017, 06:16:46 AM |
I hope the real Satoshi sends a message to the media signed by a key only the real Satoshi has denouncing software patents.
If he do so, than that will be a real disaster. There will be fear all over the market if real satoshi shows any signs of his life and also he don't have to do this to prove craig is not real satoshi. Everybody knows that he can't be satoshi and he is just trying to take the fame of bitcoin/blockchain technology.
Activity: 3360
Merit: 1406
March 10, 2017, 06:58:01 AM |
This Satoshi wannabe is a intellectual property land graber. And it looks like he is doing it for money because he knows that succesful patents could be worth billions of dollars. We all know that Satoshi or who ever he is made bitcoin and blockchain with an idea that it is independent of any central authority. But if ever it would be patented, it will take away our monetary freedom from anyone. But I have to agree, I don't think he will be given a patent though, because he haven't proven that he is Satoshi. https://arstechnica.com/business/2016/05/craig-wright-i-dont-have-the-courage-to-prove-im-satoshi-nakamoto/
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March 10, 2017, 07:06:12 AM |
The australian computer scientist Craig wright is continuing his effort to get lots of digital currency and block chain patents and claims to be Satoshi nakamoto. Satoshi published the bitcoin white paper and dissapeared after releasing versions of bitcoin.Patent race is going on.Wright is fighting with some 70 banks to get the patent.If any of them got patent for bitcoin,then what would happen???
if this fact is right , Bitcoin price will be deeply down because he knows his digital currency clearly and we do not know how many coins he has got.
March 10, 2017, 07:07:25 AM |
This is a tale as old as bitcoin's history.
1GPsFkReoJi8isJk1Vyry7NVnL2qpaC9Ja Feeling generous? Send me some bits 
March 10, 2017, 07:28:39 AM |
I just saw someone Craig looks like rubbish, she claimed is satoshi Nakamoto in fact I think bitcoin must evolve to live without satoshi Nakamoto, at least more and more people are afraid to hold bitcoin if there is someone who controls it 
March 10, 2017, 07:32:23 AM |
This is a tale as old as bitcoin's history.
Yup, and the funny thing is it's doesn't matter who's Satashi Nakamoto. The community will move on with or without him/her/them
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1007
March 10, 2017, 07:40:26 AM |
I just saw someone Craig looks like rubbish, she claimed is satoshi Nakamoto in fact I think bitcoin must evolve to live without satoshi Nakamoto, at least more and more people are afraid to hold bitcoin if there is someone who controls it  It must indeed evolve to live on without satoshi, but that doesn't mean some idiots (including banks) should be able to patent and benefit of the work of someone else. Bitcoin was created partially to get around all the corrupt things of the banking world, and now they are trying to claim it. I hope they never succeed, although they can ofcourse patent new applications of the technology.
Copper Member
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1465
March 10, 2017, 07:46:29 AM |
He currently is acting like he is..patenting everything BTC related he can. He claims he is in line on Jan 1st 2020 to get a giant trust fund (of other founders now dead or how he set it up to evade taxes) and that will then prove he is Satoshi..this paving the way as 'proof' for the above btc patents he is getting. He really, really hates btc types like us now for NOT believing he is Satoshi (even if he really did not want to be found out by us and the Australian Tax Authorities) thus imho if above is true he will dump massively ...screwing open source BTC and making it pear shaped..and then have control and $$$ via the patented stuff he now can prove he is the inventor of btc now I only give him a 1 out of 20 shot of being Satoshi (or part of the team) but 'evil genius' wise it has a lot of "DR. EVIL' going for it ....on the above imho 'flimsy' projections / views above it makes a damn fine 'boogeyman' story however for BTC bedtimes....shudder ..the horror 
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March 10, 2017, 07:49:44 AM |
I just saw someone Craig looks like rubbish, she claimed is satoshi Nakamoto in fact I think bitcoin must evolve to live without satoshi Nakamoto, at least more and more people are afraid to hold bitcoin if there is someone who controls it  It must indeed evolve to live on without satoshi, but that doesn't mean some idiots (including banks) should be able to patent and benefit of the work of someone else. Bitcoin was created partially to get around all the corrupt things of the banking world, and now they are trying to claim it. I hope they never succeed, although they can ofcourse patent new applications of the technology. lol, I see developers and teams of each project altcoin easier to make altcoin them into the trash it is cool only to multiply the bitcoin them, so I hope also no attempts to make a patent for bitcoin, may it be big in the future without satoshi Nakamoto
Activity: 3948
Merit: 6776
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March 10, 2017, 07:53:11 AM |
Craig Wright is just a random broke guy that may have been close enough to Bitcoin team to know some "secrets", however, somebody that spends a lot of time trying to get rich on behalf of Bitcoin and Satoshi. He's clearly not Satoshi, the last fiasco on proving it will remain in history.
I wish that somebody could stop him, because if he succeeds with his patents he has the opportunity to harm Bitcoin. And if that brings him financial gains, he'll do it in the blink of an eye.
March 10, 2017, 07:59:00 AM |
It even defies common sense for Craig Wright to be claiming he is Satoshi because how on earth will someone who claims to have invented this technology leave it open, only after some years when you now see the potentials then come back to start fighting over it. Then it means you never believe in the project from the beginning and even though you invented it which is even not ascertained, then you dont deserve any credit for it.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
March 10, 2017, 10:33:18 AM |
I don't think he'll be given patent rights, because his identity as Satoshi is not yet confirmed.
a patent has nothing to do with him as satoshi it has nothing to do with whether he is or not
Copper Member
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1465
March 10, 2017, 10:50:35 AM |
I don't think he'll be given patent rights, because his identity as Satoshi is not yet confirmed.
a patent has nothing to do with him as satoshi it has nothing to do with whether he is or not it would help a lot however...and with maybe 15% to 20% of all BTC in existence ..he could make BTC do a merry little dance.....etc etc it would NOT end well imho  then again...what do I know at one time I drank the BFL Kool Aid 
Old Style Legacy Plug & Play BBS System. Get it from www.synchro.net. Updated 1/1/2021. It also works with Windows 10 and likely 11 and allows 16 bit DOS game doors on the same Win 10 Machine in Multi-Node! Five Minute Install! Look it over it uninstalls just as fast, if you simply want to look it over. Freeware! Full BBS System! It is a frigging hoot!:)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
March 10, 2017, 01:44:59 PM |
wright with code and BTC Ayre with a shiteload of fiat....
that is a merry dance
Sr. Member
Activity: 394
Merit: 250
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
March 10, 2017, 01:47:38 PM |
The australian computer scientist Craig wright is continuing his effort to get lots of digital currency and block chain patents and claims to be Satoshi nakamoto. Satoshi published the bitcoin white paper and dissapeared after releasing versions of bitcoin.Patent race is going on.Wright is fighting with some 70 banks to get the patent.If any of them got patent for bitcoin,then what would happen???
then it would be kinda good because there wouldn't be so much shitcoins popping up every single day, but however it would be hard for the good coins to make fortune as well so it is good and bad at the same time... Though I wouldn't want for this to happen because it is always better to have more freedom from the banks and stuff like that.

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
Bitcoiner ....
March 10, 2017, 02:03:14 PM |
It even defies common sense for Craig Wright to be claiming he is Satoshi because how on earth will someone who claims to have invented this technology leave it open, only after some years when you now see the potentials then come back to start fighting over it. Then it means you never believe in the project from the beginning and even though you invented it which is even not ascertained, then you dont deserve any credit for it.
If Craig is Satochi, why even bother with patent when one owe 40% of the coins around ? That logic elude me. A real computer scientist would not give a shit. Theo Chino Fighting the New York Man on Thursday http://www.article78againstNYDFS.com (Tipping gladly accepted)