So I already have a rig of 6 RX AMD cards mainly for ETH mining and maybe will do some Dual mininig as well. Sorry for the quite long post but really appreciate any guidance.
My main computer is Skylake Xeon 1260L v5 CPU, Asrock E3V5 Gaming Mobo, Seasonic X750 KM3 PSU, GT 420 just to boot, NZXT Noctis 450 Case, ssd,rams and TT Water 3.0 on CPU
It was not built for mining in mind but I figured out I can use it with a powerful single or maybe dual Nvida cards for Skein coins and/or Zcash as well and make it get the money I will be paying for Nvdia gaming GPU
Why Nvidia: I already have AMD rig, Nvidia has low power consumption, good gaming experience and nice resell value where I live (do not get shocked when you see used gpu prices in below)
I will buy Nvidia GPU from my local market to have warranty and for some brands (Asus, MSI and Gigabyte) it is 3 years while Zotac give 2 year local and 3 more years of international warranty.
Cards are kinda expensive where I live. Used GTX 1070 400USD, Used GTX 1080 555USD. Used GTX 970 is around 210-230USD. New GTX 1080ti is like 900-1100USD.
I do not plan to use more than two GPUs as I will be using current system without buying/upgrading. Actually my mobo only supports Crossfire but no SLI so dual Nvdia cards will make no good for me for gaming but only for mining. One option for dual Nvdia GPU would be using one of them for gaming while the other one mines and both of them mining when I dont game.
Electricity cost 0.11-0.13 USD/Kwh.
I am more inclined to a single GTX 1080ti rather than dual GTX 1070/1080 considering no SLI support.
I think my CPU will not bottleneck a 1080ti as I can OC it to stock i7 6700/7700 level easily as my passmark test result indicate.
If I invest 950-1000 USD local purchase (or 775-800 USD international purchase) for a 1080Ti now does it make sense for my condiitons?
If yes which brand and model would you suggest to buy?
Can it ROI in 4 months or till the Volta GTX GTX 2070/2080 comes into market and kills it price and performance wise
High performance gaming will be a very good side benefit for me.
I will also buy a new monitor (most likely 27 inches, 1440p and SYNC) depending on my new gaming GPU.
Thank you all.