I placed a order with this company for some silver bars, I placed the order at the start of April and have had poor contact with them. I emailed them to ask for a status on my order or when i can expect delivery, To which i was sent this..
You can check the status of your order by logging into your account.
Your order is still in the processing stage, meaning payment has been received but your order has not shipped out of the warehouse. Because of the recent market volatility, we have been receiving an unusual amount of orders, and we had to recently replenish our supply of gold and silver several times this month. Please be patient with your order.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at contact@coinabul.com or by phone at (213) 599-7285 or (321) 222-7748.
After doing some more digging on this forum I have found a few people here who are saying they have been waiting over 6 months! and never received there good's or refunds?
I also noticed that coinabul post her on the forum so I would ask them. if they see this.. could you please let me know what is going on with my order. as logging in and seeing Processing. Dose not fill me with much confidence.
What are your views on coinabul?
Anyone used them successfully within the last 3 months?
Many thanks
Dark Coins.