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Author Topic: Please help me.  (Read 1441 times)
Dwayne_Bamage (OP)
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March 17, 2017, 07:00:51 PM
Last edit: March 17, 2017, 07:21:22 PM by Dwayne_Bamage

I recently found an old laptop of mine with 1000 BTC on it. I wanted to transfer the coins to a newer computer with newer version of bitcoin wallet. I've been out of the loop for about 4 years, so I didn't realize there was a need for transaction fees. So I sent the first few transactions without a fee.

200 coins were successfully transferred though and are safe. The last 800 BTC have been stuck for 5 days now. I'm starting to worry. Can anyone help me?

Here are the transaction ids:

And correlating addresses:

Bitcoin v0.8.3-beta
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March 17, 2017, 07:12:06 PM

None of those are current transaction IDs on the network or in the blockchain.  

Your story seems unlikely.

If this isn't a hoax, then I'd be happy to help you better secure your more than $1 million worth of bitcoins.  Just buy me an airplane ticket from Chicago to your location and a hotel room near you.  I'll spend a weekend helping you understand how to get your transactions confirmed and help you store your bitcoins more securely (with a 2 of three signature paper wallet).
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March 17, 2017, 07:29:23 PM
Last edit: March 17, 2017, 07:41:51 PM by DannyHamilton

None of those are current transaction IDs on the network or in the blockchain.  

Your story seems unlikely.

If this isn't a hoax, then I'd be happy to help you better secure your more than $1 million worth of bitcoins.  Just buy me an airplane ticket from Chicago to your location and a hotel room near you.  I'll spend a weekend helping you understand how to get your transactions confirmed and help you store your bitcoins more securely (with a 2 of three signature paper wallet).

What's in it for you? Other than a free flight?

I enjoy travel, and I enjoy helping others.  I own bitcoin myself, and someone holding $1 million worth of bitcoin that is happy and confident in the bitcoin system will be better for bitcoin adoption than someone that loses $1 million worth of bitcoin due to lack of proper knowledge and understanding about what they are doing.  The idea would be that I would help you understand what to do, why you are doing it, how it all works, and walk you through the process so that you can do it yourself.  That way I would never have access to your bitcoins directly.

Another option would be that you come to Chicago for a weekend and I help you out.  Less fun for me, but I'm still willing to help.

If all you care about is getting these transactions confirmed, then I (and others here) can probably walk you through that in discussion on this thread, but it will be slower, more difficult, and you probably won't learn as much.

If that's the case, then you can start by running "listunspent" in the Console found in the Debug Window under the Help menu.  That will allow us to see what inputs your wallet is working with without giving us access to your private keys (so you won't be providing any information that would allow anybody here to steal your bitcoins).

Also, I see in the image that you posted that your wallet hasn't finished synchronizing yet.  You'll probably want to wait for that progress bar at the bottom to finish before you try to mess around with the wallet.

You could also run "getrawtransaction InsertYourTransactionIDHERE" with each of your transaction IDs to get the raw transactions that you built with your wallet.  It is possible (likely?) that your wallet hasn't broadcast the transactions yet because the synchronization isn't complete.  getrawtransaction would allow you to push those transactions manually if you prefer not to wait.

Finally, you say that "200 coins were successfully transferred", but the only 200 coins transactions that your picture shows were sent in the year 2013.  You don't show ANY recent confirmed transactions for that amount at all. (which is probably the biggest reason that your story sounds so unlikely).
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March 17, 2017, 08:34:28 PM
Last edit: April 27, 2018, 07:56:37 PM by HI-TEC99

If you are using Bitcoin v0.8.3-beta it could sometimes create transactions including something called high S values. The network will no longer process such transactions since Bitcoin v0.9.0 was released.

Only create signatures with low S values

This created problems for anyone who didn't upgrade his wallet a few years ago, like for the user in the quote below.

I sent an tx with older electrum client. It has not been confirmed since 3 days.
I can see on Blockchaininfo: Transaction rejected by our node. Reason: Non-canonical signature: High S Value

You should either upgrade to a newer version of Bitcoin core, or import your private keys into a lightweight wallet such as electrum if you don't want to wait a long time for a Bitcoin core wallet to sync.

If you dump your private keys from your Bitcoin core wallet you can install electrum, then import them into it using the instructions below. Electrum should sync almost instantly, then you can send your Bitcoins wherever you want.

try clicking the file menu, then 'New/Restore' as shown below.

Afterwards try 'Restore a wallet or import keys' using the settings in the screenshot below.

If I select 'restore.. or import..', it asks me 'Please enter a seed phrase, a master key, a list of Bitcoin addresses, or a list of private keys'.

Which of the 4 options should I select?

A list of private keys like the one below with no white spaces between them.

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March 17, 2017, 08:52:34 PM

Would it be wise to update to bitcoin 0.14.0?

Yes, if you don't mind waiting days for it to sync. Otherwise choose a lightweight wallet like electrum.

I removed the blank spaces from the raw transaction you posted and tried to push it through the website at this link.

However the site wrote this error message, and refused to push your transaction.

Unable To find all tx inputs [1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668]

This is it without blank spaces.

0100000002f11e0651f4b3211332be6a8a9e72897ceddb64b6fde4c7b289194f1e595ea63c00000 0006c493046022100b49bc174589605538da1efff302f331108cd832e490fcd007fea9d16a1bd2f 04022100d6c526b639adfe4f965278399924710f1679ac7c2052b5f75b42a47b98e3a2340121024 1cad022e296ec3d04a598e3c94ca822744b0999d3487e27fc6959ed0aa33afcffffffff68b6a3bb 8288c521d1f5377bdf270ac9c2cfa86b4eab7be0e8bb05e189fa1413010000006a473044022053c 97caf1161e8a7ca628818fa96e7e2ba0f4a96f59db52bf6bfbbce03fb7c9502204445ba51e03e22 b87aa679ab19e409af2e9fbd02a10ddcf4300e8df5ac03c88b012103385eb33f08f46d367974df7 308f4c9f29de06a1ed1b31dbe26bff2d6df4e237cffffffff0200c2eb0b000000001976a91425d6 1dc9f668a487d637f750dd465ec02814c75788ac00ac23fc060000001976a9141c6b1a77c29fe9b 4bd68ea5b6483e7b9945806dd88ac00000000
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Activity: 2772
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March 17, 2017, 09:00:27 PM

I tried using a different service  to push your raw transaction. This one decodes it, and checks it's OK before pushing it.

The site said it couldn't find all the transaction's inputs, so it's not worth pushing to the network.

Additional info

Could not find all input transactions, you might have referenced some input transactions that are not in network.

This is the decoded transaction.

  "txid": "fe55315b2581773e47161e4856b3631c1cccb62807d5fa1d07104fa0f4b110cb",
  "hash": "fe55315b2581773e47161e4856b3631c1cccb62807d5fa1d07104fa0f4b110cb",
  "size": 374,
  "vsize": 374,
  "version": 1,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "3ca65e591e4f1989b2c7e4fdb664dbed7c89729e8a6abe321321b3f451061ef1",
      "vout": 0,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "3046022100b49bc174589605538da1efff302f331108cd832e490fcd007fea9d16a1bd2f0402210 0d6c526b639adfe4f965278399924710f1679ac7c2052b5f75b42a47b98e3a234[ALL] 0241cad022e296ec3d04a598e3c94ca822744b0999d3487e27fc6959ed0aa33afc",
        "hex": "493046022100b49bc174589605538da1efff302f331108cd832e490fcd007fea9d16a1bd2f04022 100d6c526b639adfe4f965278399924710f1679ac7c2052b5f75b42a47b98e3a23401210241cad0 22e296ec3d04a598e3c94ca822744b0999d3487e27fc6959ed0aa33afc"
      "sequence": 4294967295
      "txid": "1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668",
      "vout": 1,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "3044022053c97caf1161e8a7ca628818fa96e7e2ba0f4a96f59db52bf6bfbbce03fb7c950220444 5ba51e03e22b87aa679ab19e409af2e9fbd02a10ddcf4300e8df5ac03c88b[ALL] 03385eb33f08f46d367974df7308f4c9f29de06a1ed1b31dbe26bff2d6df4e237c",
        "hex": "473044022053c97caf1161e8a7ca628818fa96e7e2ba0f4a96f59db52bf6bfbbce03fb7c9502204 445ba51e03e22b87aa679ab19e409af2e9fbd02a10ddcf4300e8df5ac03c88b012103385eb33f08 f46d367974df7308f4c9f29de06a1ed1b31dbe26bff2d6df4e237c"
      "sequence": 4294967295
  "vout": [
      "value": 2,
      "n": 0,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 25d61dc9f668a487d637f750dd465ec02814c757 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
        "hex": "76a91425d61dc9f668a487d637f750dd465ec02814c75788ac",
        "reqSigs": 1,
        "type": "pubkeyhash",
        "addresses": [
      "value": 300,
      "n": 1,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 1c6b1a77c29fe9b4bd68ea5b6483e7b9945806dd OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
        "hex": "76a9141c6b1a77c29fe9b4bd68ea5b6483e7b9945806dd88ac",
        "reqSigs": 1,
        "type": "pubkeyhash",
        "addresses": [
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Activity: 3472
Merit: 4798

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March 17, 2017, 09:00:48 PM
Last edit: March 18, 2017, 07:12:09 AM by DannyHamilton

None of those are current transaction IDs on the network or in the blockchain.  

Your story seems unlikely.

If this isn't a hoax, then I'd be happy to help you better secure your more than $1 million worth of bitcoins.
Cool, I'm just always paranoid I guess. If I was in a stable environment I'd take you up on your offer. To be honest I'm borderline homeless right now.

Perhaps you should sell some of that $1 million worth of bitcoins you seem to have and get yourself a small house somewhere. It doesn't make much sense to be sitting on that much money and not have a roof over your head.

My processor is an amd E2-1800 with windows 8 64-bit. It's been running for almost a week non-stop and wallet is still only halfway synchronized. Will be at least another week to complete the sync.

You don't even need to sell the bitcoins to get a better computer. and both accept bitcoins as payment.

There were the 5 "receives" in 2013 and 9 "sends" just this past week. The first 5 of those 9 "sends" amount to 200 BTC and even though the wallet says unconfirmed, shows them as confirmed. Here are the addresses if you want to check them:

I see 5 transactions received at those 2 addresses for the 200 BTC you are talking about:

I see that 1LN3HnhrsbrvZpUTxWXExAdzYsWYoJb71K received:
  • 89 bitcoins on 2017-03-10 at 13:51:56 UTC
  • 100 bitcoins on 2017-03-10 at 13:51:56 UTC
  • 1 bitcoin on 2017-03-13 at 19:24:46 UTC
For a total of 190 bitcoins received at 1LN3HnhrsbrvZpUTxWXExAdzYsWYoJb71K in the past week.

I see that 1D5iD4yms85HRD3Cn4hYz7L8QRttNdzTZL received:
  • 1 bitcoin on 2017-03-13 at 19:24:46 UTC
  • 9 bitcoins on  2017-03-13 at 19:24:46 UTC
For a total of 10 bitcoins received at 1D5iD4yms85HRD3Cn4hYz7L8QRttNdzTZL in the past week.

That's a total of 200 bitcoins received.

However, I also see that after receiving the bitcoins at the address, you spent some of them.  I see that:
  • 100 bitcoins were spent on 2017-03-13 at 12:20:26 UTC (sending 10 bitcoins to 3Nu38vE7BUaQ9HX6nwvnCU8Q31RX3426oD and 89.9997288 bitcoins probably back into your new wallet at 19cgzQnVzvk3CtjmX7EHKvEjYvyveq2H5o)
  • 89 bitcoins were spent on 2017-03-17 at 18:18:31 UTC (sending 1 bitcoin to 17ZdZMH5G8FAsaA7iNRr57QFVSC2oWYAhy and 87.9997288 bitcoins probably back into your new wallet at 1FgLtTcdFTcuUTKeDHAZCPVUSXAt1pCpgU)
  • 63.61779884 bitcoins were spent on 2017-03-13 19:31:08 (sending 63.61008423 bitcoins to 14v2FB3Y1RZ8npSQaY2gs1RbHxLJgc9mB9)

That being said, none of those transaction IDs were in the list you originally provided in your post, so I wasn't able to verify them before.  I see now that they have occurred and been confirmed.

Here's a copy/paste of the debug window:

That transaction you provided (fe55315b2581773e47161e4856b3631c1cccb62807d5fa1d07104fa0f4b110cb) is trying to spend bitcoins that were received in transaction ID 1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668

However, I don't see that transaction in the blockchain yet.  Is that a transaction that you created in your old wallet to try and send bitcoins and which hasn't confirmed yet?  If so, can you provide the results of:

getrawtransaction 1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668
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March 17, 2017, 09:24:41 PM

Your math is a bit off. 100+89+1= 190

Yes, I'm working on selling some btc and buying a new computer, and eventually a house as well.

The following transaction id was for the 9BTC sent to 1D5iD4yms85HRD3Cn4hYz7L8QRttNdzTZL


getrawtransaction 1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668


0100000001dc2090280977b2ffe044f53390c4e2506f18f68a603ad336e2450ff89284521900000 0006c493046022100b1c9fecb7e987708e02575d0967ec09df6891f7c897f2e13a1b683ff0641c4 ba0221008d7781e7f9b5c3559c6d797e4572eefe91835172c30d62e1b934c2d26b197fd4012102c bbcdcaf0d5c4b3b90f8d65fba6668ce4f142a6a916532c905626f71de4aaa82ffffffff0200e9a4 35000000001976a9148485927037a0f8a56eab1e07d8f622ce90d807cc88ac00df7272040000001 976a9143a390dbfdf1bbb0674e01dc374cfc0266c35ccb188ac00000000

I checked your transaction at this page. It says it doesn't pay any fee. It's now extremely difficult to get a zero fee transaction confirmed as the network's overloaded with unconfirmed transactions.

Your other transaction can't confirm until that zero fee transaction confirms.

Additional info

Sum of inputs: 200.00000000
Sum of outputs: 200.00000000
Fee: 0.00000000

You could contact a bitcointalk user called Quickseller or another called macbook-air and offer to pay a small fee for them to get your transaction confirmed.

Both of them have access to the F2Pool mining pool, and can get it to include zero fee transactions in blocks it mines. QuickSeller's got good reviews for getting transactions confirmed.

I faced a similar issue a few days back transaction not getting confirmed due to low fee but user "QuickSeller" got my transaction confirmed in minutes when I sent him 0.0001 BTC. He has access to some pool . PM him.
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March 17, 2017, 09:38:56 PM
Last edit: April 27, 2018, 07:59:20 PM by HI-TEC99

This was 9BTC to btc-e wallet address 1D5iD4yms85HRD3Cn4hYz7L8QRttNdzTZL
This one showed up and confirmed.

The explorer says 1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668 was double spent, and has no confirmations.

It's impossible to get it confirmed now because the transaction below is now confirmed, and double spent its coins. The transaction linked below was the one that sent 9BTC to btc-e wallet address 1D5iD4yms85HRD3Cn4hYz7L8QRttNdzTZL

This was 300BTC to blockchain wallet address 13bGE3dCTwKQPGPyiupkfnya2VdBETCxCv
This has not showed up yet.

Blockcypher says fe55315b2581773e47161e4856b3631c1cccb62807d5fa1d07104fa0f4b110cb is also a double spend with zero confirmations, but says it can't find that transaction.

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March 17, 2017, 10:06:51 PM
Last edit: April 27, 2018, 08:00:24 PM by HI-TEC99

I'm confused. Huh  Is it possible that someone stole/hacked my wallet?

I doubt it as your 9 Bitcoins still arrived at your btc-e address. Why would a hacker send them to your address instead of his own?

I think your wallet has been sending transactions with no fee like the one below that sent 9 Bitcoins to btc-e. That was OK years ago, but now the network's overloaded, and you have to pay a high fee to get your transaction confirmed fast. The network now mostly ignores zero fee transactions, and forgets about them after a few days. That's when it becomes easy to double spend them.

The network will probably forget about your 300 Bitcoin transaction, then the coins should show up in your wallet, and you will be able to try spending them again.
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March 17, 2017, 10:28:02 PM
Last edit: April 27, 2018, 08:02:27 PM by HI-TEC99

If you export your private keys from your Bitcoin v0.8.3-beta wallet, then import them into an electrum wallet you can probably spend your 300 Bitcoins right away.

I tested making a watching only electrum wallet by importing your 16JrYHfgUfjSEFFarPFVvZtexW3oUETXqh address into it. The address shows up as containing 190.9995475 Bitcoins that are confirmed and ready to be spent.

This is a screenshot of it. As you have the private key you can make an electrum wallet that's capable of spending those coins, instead of only watching their balance like the wallet I made.

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Activity: 3472
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March 18, 2017, 03:41:24 AM

Your math is a bit off. 100+89+1= 190

Yep, you're correct.  I had a lot going on at the time I wrote that post and wasn't paying close enough attention to the transaction amounts.  For some reason, I though that March 13 transaction was 10 BTC, not 1 BTC.  I've gone back and corrected the post.

Yes, I'm working on selling some btc and buying a new computer, and eventually a house as well.

Glad to hear it.  It would suck to be a homeless millionaire.

The following transaction id was for the 9BTC sent to 1D5iD4yms85HRD3Cn4hYz7L8QRttNdzTZL

getrawtransaction 1314fa89e105bbe8e07bab4e6ba8cfc2c90a27df7b37f5d121c58882bba3b668

0100000001dc2090280977b2ffe044f53390c4e2506f18f68a603ad336e2450ff89284521900000 0006c493046022100b1c9fecb7e987708e02575d0967ec09df6891f7c897f2e13a1b683ff0641c4 ba0221008d7781e7f9b5c3559c6d797e4572eefe91835172c30d62e1b934c2d26b197fd4012102c bbcdcaf0d5c4b3b90f8d65fba6668ce4f142a6a916532c905626f71de4aaa82ffffffff0200e9a4 35000000001976a9148485927037a0f8a56eab1e07d8f622ce90d807cc88ac00df7272040000001 976a9143a390dbfdf1bbb0674e01dc374cfc0266c35ccb188ac00000000

If you don't want to wait, I can walk you through creating and signing a transaction manually so you can get the bitcoins sent.

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March 18, 2017, 07:18:32 AM
Last edit: April 27, 2018, 08:05:22 PM by HI-TEC99

If you export your private keys from your Bitcoin v0.8.3-beta wallet, then import them into an electrum wallet you can probably spend your 300 Bitcoins right away.

I tested making a watching only electrum wallet by importing your 16JrYHfgUfjSEFFarPFVvZtexW3oUETXqh address into it. The address shows up as containing 190.9995475 Bitcoins thatare confirmed and ready to be spent.

This is a screenshot of it. As you have the private key you can make an electrum wallet that's capable of spending those coins, instead of only watching their balance like the wallet I made.

I copied the 5 private keys from bitcoin 8.3beta client by using dumpprivkey command in debug mode. I then downloaded and ran Electrum wallet. During the setup I pasted the 5 private keys from bitcoin 8.3beta and here is what it shows:

That looks like the remaining balances (showing in milli Bitcoins) are available to spend. What are the addresses showing when you click "wallet" when open the addresses tab and the coins tab (as shown below)? Are coins showing as confirmed and available for spending?

You can change the units electrum shows Bitcoin balances in from milli Bitcoins to Bitcoins by clicking tools, then preferences, then appearance, then base unit as shown in these screenshots.

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Activity: 302
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March 18, 2017, 07:51:01 AM

Bitcoins is gone Cry

My preciiiiiiiiiooooouuuuuuuuusssssss!!!

oh crap! I hope you weren't duped into downloading a zombie version of the electrum wallet. Please list where you got the electrum wallet from.

Bitcoin Cash (BCASH) is NOT the real Bitcoin
Copper Member
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No I dont escrow anymore.

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March 18, 2017, 08:03:40 AM

Bitcoins is gone Cry

My preciiiiiiiiiooooouuuuuuuuusssssss!!!

oh crap! I hope you weren't duped into downloading a zombie version of the electrum wallet. Please list where you got the electrum wallet from.

No, that is what they wanted. Look closely at the picture. The balance is 0, with 2 transactions each.

Transactions are confirmed, electrum does not know the private keys for the target addresses so it shows the bitcoins as send. As it should.


Some of the coins might have been send to change addresses from the core wallet. AFAIK 8.3 has no coin control yet, so Im not sure how to show the change addresses. In any case it should work to just export the private keys for the addresses shown on (or another blockchain explorer you prefer) and import those into (a new) electrum wallet as well.

Im not really here, its just your imagination.
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March 18, 2017, 01:33:12 PM
Last edit: March 19, 2017, 08:11:37 PM by HI-TEC99

Your first address in that screenshot sent 111 Bitcoins to one address and 89 Bitcoins to another address on 2017-03-10 (slightly over a week ago). This is the address, and transaction.


The 89 Bitcoins were sent through a series of addresses and transactions to 1FbzoaAJnXyDbj4a9nWFa61MCogz5WNHwX yesterday. Is that one of your addresses?

The first thing you should do is backup your wallet.dat file from your Bitcoin core v0.8.3-beta wallet. Follow the instructions in the quote below to do that.

Click the windows start button, then copy and paste the line of text below into the search box that appears, then press the enter key to open the folder containing your wallet.dat file.


This is what your search box should look like after you have copied and pasted the line above into it.

Backup the wallet.dat file, it's all you need to secure your Bitcoins.

Now you need to get all the private keys that wallet.dat file contains. Later versions of Bitcoin core have a dumpwallet command to do that, but I don't think v0.8.3-beta had. Certainly v0.7.0 hadn't because I have that version archived, and tested it.

There is an easy way to get all the private keys in your wallet.dat by importing into a newer wallet and using the dumpwallet command. However, if you don't correctly back up your wallet.dat first it might overwrite the wallet.dat containing your coins and destroy them all. It's safer to use the method detailed below.

After you have backed up your wallet.dat you can click the "receive coins" tab in your Bitcoin v0.8.3-beta wallet, then keep clicking the "new address" button until you have about fifty addresses. Next, use the dumpprivkey command in debug mode to get the private key of each of those 50 addresses. Import those 50 private keys into electrum and check if any of your Bitcoins show up.

If that doesn't work then click the "new address" button another 50 times, get the private keys, and import them into electrum. Your Bitcoin v0.8.3-beta wallet contains a key pool of the next 100 addresses it will use, and if you have clicked the "new address" button 100 times your wallet will show all of them. Unless you changede your wallet's settings it should have the default 100 addresses in its keypool.

This post explains about keypools.

The wallet.dat contains, by default. a key pool of the next 100 addresses your client will use.  An address is consumed each time you click "New Address" and then each time a change transaction (back to yourself) is made it pulls one address from the key pool.   The keypool is topped up after each time an address is drawn from it.  (with a few exceptions).

So you as long as your backup is newer than the past 100 transactions it should have all the keys in it.


After taking a closer (magnified) look at your screenshots I realised that electrum wallet with five private keys imported into it should be empty.

Try importing the private key for the 16JrYHfgUfjSEFFarPFVvZtexW3oUETXqh address that contains 190.9995475 Bitcoins if it's one of yours.
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