It is what it is and i think that this problem will organically sort itself out in the next 6 months, and i think we will look back on in the coming years and think what a load of crap.
when BTC price will fall to like 200-500$ again

and ETH will make their like 200$ then market will fire selfish Miners they will see who really owns BTC - that is users Devs/Miners are only addition without users.
When we will see more rise in alt price
when BTC will be seen at coinmarketcap like any altcoin that will signal to miners that they patch failed , today we have less problems with BTC transaction because alts acts like LN ( HAHAHA ) people use ETH/Dash/Doge for faster transactions and cheaper. Miner are thinking that LN is killing their profits but this is already with dust transactions via alts.
LN just add value to BTC no one force anyone to use LN.
Guys market have to fire Chinese miner then activate segwit/LN with reduced rewards we should increase block size at some point to.
If BTC won't scale it will end like shitcoin while those who evolve will be multiple times higher than BTC because of usage.
End will be same market will fire dumb miners. New miners will help rework BTC.