God bless you sir. If you get the chance to visit southern Sweden, make sure to give me a PM so I can offer you a cold beer and a chance to discuss your thoughts on the matter.
I actually recommend against this. Arguing with the religious is like yelling down a brick wall. I've already tried this, and, if you argue correctly, you will be brought to tears of frustration, knowing the opposition isn't listening to begin with, else they wouldn't be religious to start. A fully grown, developed adult, who believes in superstition and fables, is not the kind of being who has rational, intelligent, unbiased, objective discussions. Time is better spent doing anything else, unless the receiver of such fables is unaware of the beliefs of an evangelical and is listening only for curiosity. But there's always Wikipedia; that'll save a trip and a headache. But I guess it wouldn't matter; only a fool would let himself be converted, and thus deserves the curse that is the tradition of willful ignorance, otherwise known as religion.
But anyway, good luck with your mission. Here's hoping the Chinese know better, though I doubt it.