Thanks to everyone who is trying to help.
Submit all your unconfirmed transaction IDs to this website, starting with the earliest, and moving through to the last. You will have to keep trying because the site only accepts 100 transactions an hour, and the network has a high backlog of unconfirmed transactions today., in the beginning of the "great bitcoin traffic jam of 2017" that still helped. viabtc got my transactions mined, hail to their innovative & only-indirectly-selfish idea. Great that not everyone is myoptic in this culture.
By now ... that service is useless. 100 offered transactions are nothing versus 100k stuck transactions.
And I have added one more transaction to that today, using Multibit again. Wrong I guess. Multibit is broken beyond repair. Not that the software does not work, no it is great still, and I like it - but a fee slider which might have worked well in the early 20th century, can -when stuck within the old limits- sabotage the whole surrounding software. In 2017 it doesn't work anymore. A simple fee slider maximum, one integer - and a whole software breaks.
Of course, I would like the Bitcoin warmongers on all sides to finally come to some intelligent peace treaty about scaling, and soon. But as long as that doesn't happen:
I actually do not mind to pay higher fees, to transact in the best money system ever invented. But what I do mind is that I cannot choose higher fees, within Multibit.
Why the author/s not simply publish/es a new version, newer than 0.5.19, is beyond me. I don't think that Multibit is open source, is it?
Could someone from the inside perhaps let a USB stick containing the Multibit sourcecode fall from a truck, into the right hands? That would be nice, thank you. Perhaps those right hands can create a version with higher possible fees. Thanks.EDIT:
Nice, thanks a lot for this suggestion:
You should move to electrum wallet. You can import your private keys from multibit into electrum direct so there is no need for a new address or wallet file transfer.
Fantastic thanks.
Multibit was abandoned by its developer quite some time ago so it is no longer maintained.
Yes, Microsoft did that too, with XP.