To be fair, ethereum has been doing unexpectedly well recently. I remember saying it would never recover from the etc fiasco. How wrong I was, since ethereum has generally been pretty stable, I doubt anyone's pumped a billion dollars worth of it. Also, the integration on dark net markets also probably helps.
Many people don't have an expectation about ETH, the only thing many people find when the bitcoin price decreases and the value of the other altcoin price will increase. ETH growth is unexpected, the market cap of ETH is really high.
It's really wrong, a lot of the bag holders are having a high expectation about ethereum itself. Consider too many the ethereum supporters in this day, looks like it pushes the growth of the ethereum itself.
But this really unpredictable thing, the big pump of the ethereum has changed a lot for the ethereum itself.
A lot of the ethereum supporters just try to spread the word about the ethereum into the unfamiliar person.
This can't be categorized as FUD or something like that.