Mr. Trump says he rules the ocean
Mr. Trump says he rules the sea
Mr. Trump kills people for profit
So fuck off, Mr. Trump, from me.
fuck off, fuck off, oh fuck off Mr. Trump, from me, from me.
fuck off, fuck off, oh fuck off Mr. Trump, from me
Last night he made one hundred widows
Last night he killed two dozen sick
Last night, and i saw the live videos
Mr. Trump was waving his dick...
fuck off, fuck off, oh fuck off Mr. Trump, from me, from me.
fuck off, fuck off, oh fuck off Mr. Trump, from me
I see what he's done to civilians
I see what he's done to world peace
I watch him weaponizing billions
and arms dealers getting obese...
fuck off, fuck off, oh fuck off Mr. Trump, from me, from me.
fuck off, fuck off, oh fuck off Mr. Trump, from me
Mr. Trump told lies about terror
Mr. Trump told lies about war
Mr. Trump told lies about torture
So i won't trust Mr. Trump no more.