How is it a "good investment" when they can regulate the price all they want by releasing more XRP?
Because its in their best interest to make money and not the other way around.. so if they start with funny stuff and lose their credibility XRP won't be accepted as currency nor as a paying method thats why....
Anyways they dont regulate the coin is self regulated as far as i could read, every transaction a portion of it gets deleted and the makers plan to release smal quantities into the market to keep it from going too high or too low depending on circulation.
Thing is trust on the product.. and when you have major banks ( i know they are the devil ) backing it up its not necessarily a bad thing but actually the other way around.. i'd say these guys are the next apple to some extent as in people that invest now will earn some good cash once they estabelish themselves fully in the market.
Go check their info, i actually invested 5k on their coin a couple months ago time will tell if it pays off or not.