I'm not currently selling this anymore, but the person above calling people dumb just thought I'd post out (after a quick glance)
Of your 33 or something posts you sure have displayed an immense amount of wealth in knowledge.
http://s24.postimg.org/wblj9sdc5/retardednewbieidiot.pnghttp://s22.postimg.org/ilwk50pyp/incompetentretardirony.pngAlso, the reason BFL scam company doesn't want to pay you, not because they are scamming you for that.
They scammed people who purchase their products.
Nah, the 'incompetent retards' as you called them after you promoted them for free, probably prefer not to do business with other 'incompetent retards' alike.
You should be applauded. You advertised scam company for free and they failed to pay you, when you had no formal agreement lol.
In all seriousness no one is going to care about your 'advertising' capability with a 5 unique visitor/mo site.