Today I was preparing something for my bitcoin workshop when I came to the following observation.
If we are in a free market society with the principals of capitalism how can it be that the money we use (fiat) isn't part of that same system. And isn't it so that to have a truly free market system that money also have to be denationalized and uses the same principals like the free market itself ?
Can there be a free market with fiat currency ?
And if so isn't bitcoin and it's competition not the ultimate form of payment in this free market.
I'm no expert in economics, I read al little bit of Hayek's works this afternoon, but it would be great of anyone can help me with this question.
Technically, no.
A perfect free market should be a market where the prices of goods are not intervened by anyone.
The government is indirectly and directly manipulating the price of goods and services, by putting on regulations on certain industries as well as rigging the fiat currencies of their country. Basically if you look at China, they devalue their currency so that they can export more goods. When they devalue they stay competitive in a world where the biggest countries have the cheapest labour costs.
So a free market technically can only be achieved by a decentralised currency, such as bitcoin.