I'm looking for people with a twitter account who might be interested in joining my campaign.
Rules:Number of participants is limited to 8 people.
Campaign starts on 2.05 and finishes on 30.05.
Each participant receives a total of 512 LSK.
Payments will be sent out on a weekly basis (4 batches of 128LSK).
Participants are required to post one tweet a day about Lisk starting from 2.05 to 30.05.
Be creative and try to use as many hashtags as you can, make sure to use #lisk $LSK.
Your content will be checked before any payments are made.
If you fail to follow the rules you might be disqualified from the campaign.
Any disqualified participants are replaced with a new one. If for any reason it's not possible the amount of LSK each participant receives will increase accordingly.
All payments will be sent out from 4936175709489569689L
If this sounds like something you are interested in and would like to find out more then please visit campaign's official thread:
https://forum.lisk.io/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1484Please let me know if you have any questions.