dynamic blocks as Bu propose give a huge power to miners and the opportunity to them to form a cartel and a kind of Opec for fees in bitcoin. Dont expect anyone to agree so easy in this crap.
your reading the reddit scripts not code
Miners is here to serve the network and not to govern it.
i agree and the many dynamic implementations INCLUDING BU are about user nodes having 2 limits.. an upper limit. then below that a preference limit..
pools only move to what the majority accept as a lower limit
EG consensus.h 8mb then policy.h 1mb-7.9mb . and pools only go to what 75%+ agree on what policy.h agrees with and tells the 25% under that policy preference that their policy preference can gt shifted to align with the other 75%..
EG consensus.h 8mb then policy.h 75% deem 2mb ok
the ones lingering at 1mb will have thier policy moved to 2mb . or if not dynamic will see they wont sync to the network
dont read the reddit scripts of "gigabytes by midnight" and start thinking rationally and logically
And why you has this psycho with blockstream? this blockstream developers has maintained the network an always propose tech solutions to bitcoin and for sure not harm it.
1. removed priority formulae without replacing it with something better
2. removed reactive fee in low demand and replaced it with average fee to keep fee's up even when demand is low
3. prevented any real network wide onchain growth for the last 2 years with half baked gestures that have no guarantee
Can i ask you what Roger Ver has done for bitcoin network all of this years?
again your stuck in the roger vs reddit script. think beyond this.
but google can help you out.
memory dealers,
bitinstant arbitrage system before ripple/liquid,
plus other things.
My answer is MTgox and this community split and division.
again all you have rea is the reddit scripts not the whole picture
Can i ask you what Jihan Wu have done for bitcoin network?
jihan is only a small part.. definetly not 68% of the pools.. wake up!!
bt jihan has done more for the ASIC community then lets say GHASH or BFL
but you should also research the other pools and asic manufacturers that make up the 86% objecting/abstaning
My answer is only to form a cartel and break decentralisation.
If we want bitcoin to be the future payment free payment system then this will not happen with nodes that runs through big datacenters and with a mining cartel that can change consensus rules whenever they want.
lol here we go again with the reddit "gigabytes by midnight" rhetoric.. wake up
nodes set their limits and pools follow below the majority. thus is not going to suddenly go jumping to stupid amounts.. if nodes cant handle it the the network doesnt go passed it.
get out of the reddit blockstream best case utopia. anything else worse case doomsday.. atleast start being critical of blockstream if you really want them running it.. dont be an ass kisser.. be the ass whipper and dont hold them on a pedestal, hold them to account
EG 8mb is measured as the 'node can handle' capability this year. (consensus upper limit this year)
and dynamic policy becomes the extra safe preference below that
EG much like satoshi's 1mb consensus and 250k policy in 2009-2011
EG much like satoshi's 1mb consensus and 500k policy in 2011-2013
EG much like satoshi's 1mb consensus and 750k policy in 2013-2015
EG much like satoshi's 1mb consensus and 999k policy in 2015-2017