didnt worked the masternode tutorial on op... trying to set up but unsuccessful and how setup multiple masternode ? its a little confusing
I did as in a hat, only changed xrev.conf
Port 9090 must be open. (Check your router and Firewall)
Step 1: First, open the console of your wallet and create an address for your masternode, do this by entering
"getaccountaddress MN". You can replace "MN" with whatever you would like to name your masternode.
Step 2: Send 1000 XREV to the address you just created. It must be exactly 1000, in one transaction.
Step 3: Execute "masternode genkey" in your wallet's console.
Step 4: Open the xrev.conf folder in the data directory for your wallet, edit it like so:
rpcuser=long random username
rpcpassword=longer random password
externalip=your external IP address :9090
Replace the X with the key generated when you ran "masternode genkey" in step 3.
Step 5: Save the xrev.conf file.
Step 6: In the console of your wallet enter "masternode start" Masternode input must have at least 15 confirmations