Order# 15271 It has been uncompleted for 16 days since I ordered this exchange
I had successfully completed several exchanges before this order ,but this one seems will never be done.
I consider that this site technocashier.com is a super scam , it exchanges part of orders, however,delays part for ever. In this way ,there will be always some successful exchanges and some people will consider it a good exchange site until they are cheated like me.
I have sent some emails to
technocashier@gmail.com which is used to send something like Bitstamp.net USD to client , but I have never received their reply.
My friends once chated with this email ,so they must have seen my emails but have deliberately not replied.
E-currency exchange is a business which earns huge sums of money if keeping a good reputation ,so I am not able to understand why you do things like this just for a little money.
Anyway ,if technocashier.com is seeing this post ,please deal with my Order# 15271 as soon as possible ,or I will post everywhere to let everyone know you are a super scam.