Hi guys,
It's a rainy Sunday and I don't have much to do.
I have been watching this show for a while now, and I got to my own conclusions.
I am sharing them here for you to discuss.
DISCLAIMERI am long bitcoin.
ASSUMPTIONSGox exchange rate drives the market. Other exchanges are followers.
Most actors in the orderbook are people who perceive a fiat salary at the end of each calendar month.
1. THE WEEKEND DIP MYTHGox prices always fall in the weekend. Why?
Because in the weekend there is no fiat coming in.
In every purchase some money is lost to Gox transaction fees.
So over time, with no new money coming in, the price has to drop.
BUT: Weekend dips were so punctual and predictable last year that some people started trying to take advantage of them - by selling on Friday afternoon and buying back in on Sunday morning. Hence the price now spikes on Sunday morning.
2. THE MID-MONTH DEPRESSIONGox prices always consolidate or fall slightly around the middle of every calendar month. Why?
Because of small investors who bought bitcoins with part of their salary.
Some of them have to cash-out fiat to make it till the next payday.
3. THE MONTH END RISEThat's right after fiat payday, when people wire money to Gox and buy bitcoins.
What's your take? Critics and comments welcome