kaya nya ada problem lagi di system ptoy ,
coba kawan kawan lihat blog ptoy. waduh alamat gajian hari sabtu besok masih tanda tanya lagi nih,
sabar buat semua , semoga sih cepet kelar masalh nya karena tadi pagi saya baca di blog lg upgrade sistem baru di ptoy
emang ada masalah apa dengan web nya
peserta bounty kan ga perlu web, karena sudah setor addres bukan akun ico
Once the code was implemented by TokenMarket, the auditor came back with an additional update to the attack mitigation code that affect the transfer of tokens.
Unfortunately, it appears that the current code caused issues for tokens moved to multi-sig wallets.
While tokens are still transferable using an approach built into ERC-20 (the token standard PTOY adheres to), the tokens currently in multi-sig wallets cannot be directly transferred away.
The good news is that this can be addressed:
The token contract has an upgrade mechanism that allows token holders to upgrade their tokens to a new version of the smart contract.
TokenMarket has begun work with the audit team to create an upgraded token.
Once token holders have completed the upgrade, they will be able to transfer them to exchanges.
How does this affect PTOY token holders?
The upgraded token will not be ready until Saturday, June 17.
All PTOY token holders will need to follow a short step-by-step process to implement the upgrade. These instructions will be provided in a subsequent update.
We offer our heartfelt apologies and empathize with members of the Patientory community eager to begin trading their PTOY. We ask for your patience and understanding that this decision was not made lightly. Once the update was discovered and the solution identified, our top priorities were:
Keep both the time to implement and action steps down to the absolute minimum.
Prevent confusion between old and new token contract addresses.
Eliminate the need for exchanges to take any action on behalf of their users.
This is a momentary bump. In the not-so-distant future, PTOY will drive the evolution of healthcare systems of incentive, payment, and data architecture. That future was set to begin taking shape starting yesterday; this issue simply delays it by a few days.
If you have any questions, please email us at
info@patientory.com or call us at (678) 951-9007.
TL;DR: While no problems were found in our recent security review, a fix aimed at mitigating future attacks caused an unintended problem. The solution requires a delay until Saturday, June 17 and all token holders will be asked to execute a simple upgrade process.
di kutip dari
https://patientory.com/2017/06/15/important-note-ptoy-token-holders/semoga saja tidak terjadi masalah di token ptoy , dan para bounty bisa mentradingkan token ptoy nya,