When i trying send order via api i have problem(another private api works fine like get orders ,get info
"result":"error","error":"Identification required to access private API","token":"login_error_invalid_rest_sign
What i should change?
IMtGoxExchange mtGoxExchange = new MtGoxExchange();
OrderCreateResponse response1 = mtGoxExchange.CreateOrder(Currency.USD, OrderType.Ask, 150.0, 10.0);
OrderCancelResponse cancelResponse1 = mtGoxExchange.CancelOrder(response1.OID);
inner source code for request (from debug window)
string sign = getHash(Convert.FromBase64String(APISecret), prefix + Convert.ToChar(0) + post);
req.AddHeader("Rest-Key", APIKey);
req.AddHeader("Rest-Sign", sign);
req.AddParameter("nonce", nonce);