I like my controlled govt.
They are the ones that just helped out the community when we had a state of emergency from wide spread flooding.
They also run the submarines and fighter jets keeping our borders from being over-run.
And i am familiar with Ponzi schemes like what Berni Madoff was arrested for.
I am also familiar with Pyramid schemes..
I grew up seeing the "Water Filter" one get big..
I met people IRL involved and even seen it featured on the comedy TV show "King of Queens".
Most of you snot nose brats running your mouth here were not even born yet.
Take a few minutes time and do your DD kidiots..
get on Google and read the heart breaking testament from VICTIMS from these schemes.
You will hear first hand what it's like being suckered in by them then the pressure and motivation to lure in others so YOU can get out ..hopefully breaking even.
I know because, i did.
I took the time to do my DD kids.
I also lived it and seen it first hand.
While you are at it Google search MLM scams too.
Oh and you realize there would be no internet with out govt's right ?
Who do you think runs the USA's major backbone's ? The US D.O.D.
Who runs cables across the ocean in Europe etc ?
Who comes when you hit 911 when your home gets invaded ?
Who paved those roads you drive on ?
Who handed out bail out money when the recession hit in 2008 ?
Who picks up your garbage ?
Nobody.. that's who.
Garbage would be piled up in the streets as everyone says "it's not my job"
Grow up..