actually one of my friend send me some btc through coinbase almost 6 hours ago...but still it shows pending to my coinbase it ok
Probably hasn't received all the confirmations that Coinbase requires, it is likely he had a low fee on it and it will take a little while for the transaction to be fully confirmed.
It's fine and will likely be confirmed within the next day at most, more than likely a shorter time than that since it's been waiting for a while. I don't know how big the queue is but there's a solid chance that it isn't really big and the miners are still chewing through transactions ahead of it.
Probably going to take a ton of time as the amount of time you're stating is probably showing that you're friend send the TX (Transaction Fee) really low, so it's going to take a long time / never confirm depending on the amount of fee he/she set. You may even want to check if the money was ever sent or if it's arrived in your Coinbase account and hasen't been confirmed.
If I were you, I'd put the TX here so some people can try to run it through a TX accelerator which could help to get it confirmed ASAP.
Both of you should stop blabbering about shit you can barely comprehend. Firstly, transactions between two Coisbase accounts don't take fees. Secondly, TX accelerator doesn't work with online wallets' transactions since Coinbase already rebroadcasts its transactions. Thirdly, Coinbase transactions take long time because they get queued to be confirmed.
For OP, this might be a reason why your transaction hasn't been there yet – According to this: