Hi, hope someone can help. I got some neoscoin back in 2014 and haven't bothered with it until now. I can recover some funds from the old wallet.dat, about 1/3 of them, but I want to know if it's humanly possible to recover the full amount.
I've done everything in this post:
http://forum.neoscoin.com/t/how-to-recover-old-noescoin-web-wallet-2-1/641 but I never get the full amount. I guess this is probably relating to some hard fork somewhere along the road, it's not like it's corrupted or anything. I can open my old wallet.dat in their old neoscoin client (neoscoin-qt-v1.2.1.1-bdb4.8-win32) and the full amount is there. But if I dumpwallet and open in the new client it shows 1/3 of the amount. The old client does not connect, probably old chain or something.
Tried doing some pywallet magic as suggested in a thread I started on reddit:
(C:\>pywallet.py --dumpwallet --datadir c:\ --wallet=wallet.dat --recover --recov_device=c:\wallet.dat --recov_size=416Gio --recov_outputdir=c:\)
It did it's thing but same result as the neoscoin forum suggestions.
So please someone tell me it's impossible so I wont have to waste my time on this anymore.
Oh yea, if it's possible I'll make it worth your while.