May 10, 2017, 09:43:16 PM |
Hi everyone,
Some friends of mine and I have been in the Bitcoin community for over four years now. After making a nice profit we want to do some experimenting with mining. We know that people have been mining for five years now, but we would still like to join the game. First we'd like to build one rig to run some tests and do some sampling. For this rig, our budget is between €1.500 and €2.000.
Could anyone give us any advice on hardware that we should acquire? Due to my studies, I have only been holding Bitcoins and have not been busy with mining, so I unfortunately, do not have too much knowledge about mining, but I think that we could be updated after reviewing several sources.
So: What would buy with a budget between €1.500 and €2.000, where would you buy it, and which sources would you recommend us to use?
If our test-runs are positive, we are planning to build >50 rigs and set up a mining centre in Sweden, China or in The Netherlands. We know the electricity in The Netherlands is expensive, but we solved that problem.
Looking forward to everyone's reply!
Best regards,