I can't stop laughing. 49,500,000 premine out of 50,000,000 max coins and a webpage that reads like a ponzi. Not sure what searching for prime numbers has to do with it. I started to mine, but the .08 block reward and 1% POS, just does not seem worth it.
// miner's coin base reward
int64_t GetProofOfWorkReward(int64_t nFees)
int64_t nSubsidy = 0 * COIN;
if(pindexBest->nHeight+1 == 1)
nSubsidy = 49500000 * COIN;
else if(pindexBest->nHeight+1 >= 2 && pindexBest->nHeight+1 <= 50)
nSubsidy = 0 * COIN;
else if(pindexBest->nHeight+1 >= 51 && pindexBest->nHeight+1 <= 200000)
nSubsidy = 0.08 * COIN;
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcreation"))
printf("GetProofOfWorkReward() : create=%s nSubsidy=%"PRId64"\n", FormatMoney(nSubsidy).c_str(), nSubsidy);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
static const int64_t MAX_MONEY = 50000000 * COIN;
static const int64_t COIN_YEAR_REWARD = 1 * CENT; // 1% per year
static const int64_t MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE = 1 * COIN; // 1% annual interest
@blackpearlcoin No wonder you want to lock your thread to prevent "trolling."