May 11, 2017, 06:54:22 AM |
It is proposed to discuss the future location of the token under startup in the field of agriculture.
A rough outline: The release of the 10000 tokens for the price of$ 16 for 1Ecofarm (0.1 ecofarm = 1.6$) On the collected objective will be to build a rabbit on 264 of Rabbit with annual meat production of about 30 tons ~ 8mln RUB at the price of 300 RUBper kg
Name Ed.measurement Indicators Live rabbits for slaughter (growing to 2.6 kg) pieces / year 18 374 The output of chilled meat kg per year 29 399 Income (based on the value of sales of meat 330R. per kg.). in year 9 670 701 Feed consumption (conversion 3.7 kg of feed per 1 kg live weight kg 160 776 The cost of feeding (feed cost of 16.00* RUB/kg). in year 2 572 416 Other expenses for the maintenance of the rabbit farm. in year 1 028 966 Profit (before payments and taxation). in year 6 100 287 The initial investment for the project Supply rabbit farm buildings complete with walls, doors, Windows) RUB 4 435 200 Engineering equipment (ventilation, humidification, heating) rabbit farm RUB 591 430 Equipment (manure removal, cage for rabbits, the system feeding and watering, silos, tanks) RUB 3 426 500 Кфиишe productive RUB 450 450 Just RUB 8 903 580 Basic investments one productive rabbit RUB 33 725
Dividends in the amount of from 12% to 50% per annum (the distribution of profit 50% investor and 30% to development and 20% of wages and other expenses
1$=58 RUB