I've set up a faucet for Devcoin, and the site is
http://faucet.devcoin.org (now our new domain!)
The giveaway is based on round. Currently a round is 80 submits(this number might change in the future), and 400 DVCs per round (which means currently every submit gets 5 DVCs). An address and IP can only submit once per round. Repeated submits will be ignored.
This site is now on beta test. You're most welcome to try the faucet.
There might be some issue or bug, feel free to contact me if that happens.
I'll give away DVCs here too, everybody reply your devcoin address here will also receive 10 DVCs, I will send from my own, not touching the donations on the faucet site

NEW! I have added a feature requested from Unthinkingbit, that anyone has a bitcointalk.org forum id could get more devcoins. the details:
1.Your forum account is not Newbie (at least Jr. Member)
2. You promote devtome.com by adding the following line to your signature:
[url=http://www.devtome.com/doku.php?id=earn_devcoins_by_writing]Earn Devcoins by Writing[/url]
3. You add the same Devcoin address to your signature too, no matter what format, we just make sure the account is really yours.
4. Fill your member id into the textbox along with your devcoin address at
http://faucet.d.evco.in/ and submit.
After submitting, we first send 50DVCs to you immediately, after about one week, we will check again if you keep the signature, if ok, another 100 DVCs will be sent.
How to find your Member ID of bitcointalk.org: Click PROFILE on the title line, then click "Summary" Under "Profile Info" at the left panel, then you will see several digits in the URL, the digits is your member ID.
And you could earn DVCs by writing in
www.devtome.com If you'd like to help, please donate dvc to the address displayed on the page. Thanks