id: ea41ac6c88bfa6f17c54756899bbb1ff9dbbcdb5a9ac5e8a66ed1678e0bb6627
viabtc accelerator doesnt work
dont even know if theres another way
PM me
Why don't you try have to pay with Alipay and it cost ~14$
I have never personally used the service and can't vouch for it.
edit: the cost was estimated for your transaction - cost varies by transaction.
I already try this accelerator service but the cost for transaction fee really kills me. I will never use blockchain wallet nor that BTC accelerator. I never thought that BTC confirmation will become slow.
The issue here is not the cost; we can all see the cost of it. We are interested in the functionality. Did it work?
As far as I know, BTC confirmation is just as fast as it has always been - 10 minutes per block. If you fail to add a high enough fee to board the flight, then unfortunately your transaction confirmation time will lengthen. For now, if you want top speed, you have to pay for it - fly business class!