Yes. He sent me a vouch copy and I vouched for him.
Here's my stance on what's going on, judging from what I know.
- GHcoins45 says that the method is easily found on Google.I have no idea how easy (or difficult) it is to find the OP's method on Google since I haven't tried looking for it myself. He did make it sound like it wasn't a unique method when talking with me:
Yes... im sure you can find some articles on it but [snipped for privacy]
Again, I'm not sure how common/uncommon this guide is, but I have not heard of it myself.
- GHcoins45 also talks about requiring an FB page with a large fanbase in WeatherChaser's requiress is you to have a free WordPress website and also a Facebook page with a follower base.
I talked with WC about this and he mentioned that you can make do if you have a Facebook group that has a large fanbase.
I was nice enough to send GHcoins45 the method, but I didn't include my method with the extras in it. Just the regular money-making method on Facebook.
I'm not sure what you're talking about here - I was only aware of one method and no extras. Is the traffic guide a separate one from what we're talking about?