I have done some searching have found conflicting information; I've found those who are claiming all risers should be from the same PSU and I've found claims that each GPU should have its riser and its 8pin running off of the same PSU.
My situation:
I have two identical 850W EVGA G2 ("single" rail) power supplies.
I have an add2psu to connect/trigger them.
I am running a 7 GPU system.
Each Power supply has 4 VGA outs and 4 SATA/peripheral outs.
Picture of the actual outputs:
http://d13z1xw8270sfc.cloudfront.net/origin/367121/1452086810760_220-g2-0850-xr_xl_5.jpgDoes anyone know the best way to connect the risers & video cards using this setup?
Cheer and thanks in advance.
honestly i cant see it making much of a difference, i personally would run all the raisers off 1 PSU and depending on what cards you using and CPU.
2-3 cards off the main PSU, with raisers and CPU (keep well under the limit 75% capacity at most) and the rest of the cards off the 2nd PSU
my reason would be that the motherboard wont get any nasty shock or tiny spikes from the 2nd PSU as it would be isolated to running GPU's only and have to go through the GPU to the motherboard.