May 19, 2017, 01:38:29 AM |
So, the typical story. Transaction fee was too low and the transaction is stuck unconfirmed. Usually, I'd just wait it out, but the address I sent to expires in two days, and I'd rather not lose this send. Any way to increase the fee? I've tried restoring and repairing with no luck. I'll be switching over to Electrum after this, just have had too many issues with MultiBit. No easy way to change fees on a per-transaction basis, no easy way to do RBF or CPFP, and it has a habit of double sending transactions so that most accelerators don't work.
TxID: f6b0e691e5ca212e9ac42b03971fbe3da0c3a2e44eb295e157032941da2f0327