I am using coinbase but if i made transactions on other wallet or site like diractbet then its take 1 dollar something fee but if i transition with coinbase to coinbase then it takes low fee.can anyone tell me which wallet are best and it cut low fee for any wallet transition and don't take long time to confirmation.i just want to know that if there is no wallet that's I want please don't make fun with my question.
Low fees that don't take long time to confirm is very difficult to have nowadays no matter what wallet are you using. The rule of thumb , for a median transaction is about 250 satoshi/byte and for important transactions, 450-500 satoshi/byte to get your confirmation in the next block.
Coinbase,XAPO or any other proprietary web wallet will have control over your private keys and your account which they can close anytime they feel like it. The only web wallet which gives you control over your private keys is blockchain.info but that one has leaked security mostly.
Using exchanges like Coinbase, Xapo may cost you a bit less on fees but in exchange you hand over control of your coins/account to them. Any issues come up and you
hope everything ends well.
A basic transaction (1 input, 1 output) is usually around 190 - 210 bytes in Electrum, if you need it fast then that's about 84k satoshis (@400/byte).
Coinbase offer lower transaction fees while sending to other CB users to encourage people to use them. The reality here is that you don't control your private keys so you can't change fees, they control everything.
If you want to be able to change the fees, Install Electrum, It should have dynamic fees and
check https://bitcoinfees.21.co/ to have an idea on what are the best fees currently to get your transaction confirmed as soon as possible + with the lower costs possible.