Last update you gave here was that you were looking for an escrow - if one was found that it could be a good idea to say so (and have them confirm it).
Realised I didn't address this specific point in my previous reply.
After discussion with multiple escrow providers, it was concluded by me that this is not an option. One of the points of the PT is to provide the escrow. One of the not-insignificant pieces of work is managing shares into and out of the escrow (especially in a PT like mine that supports transfers), and managing distribution of dividends from the escrow to the shareholders. To contract (and pay for) a 3rd party to provide share escrow on behalf of the PT is just not a feasible option.
As a backup for disaster recovery I will be providing a copy of the PT's private key to a trusted 3rd party - details are still to be decided, it's not worth even discussing if the IPO doesn't happen.
If providing my own shares into the IPO, making the address holding the PT's shares public, and providing my personal IRL contact details (including phone number) to burnside is not enough transparency, then so be it - I can't think of anything else that I would be willing to offer that would change your mind.