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Author Topic: Just had to get this off my chest:  (Read 2810 times)
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May 08, 2013, 04:18:38 PM

And I think you missed a point I made earlier: I don't think the person is unfair, or even Bitcoin is unfair, but more the larger system of which the people and Bitcoin are part of (maybe I'm thinking about life) does not evenly reward everyone for the work they put in - which falls within the remit of my personal understanding of the concept of unfairness.

That's the labor value of money fallacy (or whatever it's called). What you propose would be fair would involve someone digging holes and covering them up in their own back yard over and over, and getting paid for their hard work. No one cares how hard you work if no one wants the product of your labor. It also doesn't take into account what is actually created, and in out modern economy, the product of your mind is way more valuable than the product of your muscles. Someone higher up on the corporate ladder may spend 5 minutes making a decision, and get paid 10x more than someone at the bottom working many hours pushing levers and moving boxes, but the person who worked hard at the bottom could be responsible for making a few customers satisfied and keeping the business moving for the few hours that he worked, while the person who spent 5 minutes on a decision may have used his vast prior experience to make a quick decision that results in the company surviving for the next few years, and being able to afford to pay that hard worker's pension. You can't just look as how much someone sweated, and say "they deserve more money."

I'm sure you've heard the anecdote about a car mechanic that charges $1,000 to fix an engine with a hammer.
Gareth Nelson
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May 09, 2013, 06:37:15 AM


Life aint fair. deal with it.

I think one of the problems with this community is a large percentage of the members are < 18 years of age. not that being young implies stupidity, but ideas like "How come YOU got more BTC than me?Huh" are more suited to my 7 year old daughter, than an adult who has worked for what he has and understands the way the world works. we cant all be first in line.

Even teenagers should be able to understand the concept of working for your money - or maybe not these days considering how here in the UK it's officially considered odd behaviour to willingly get a job when you're still eligible for benefits (aka welfare).
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