Hi there,
I'm trying my best to explain, but I'm not that good yet. It looks like your buyer only pays very low transaction fee which is the reason of super delay. I can relate myself to you when my transactions are delayed between 3 to 4 days due to low transaction fees. Is this the first time you deal with this buyer? Or you have dealt with him before? Is he legit and trusted?
For this one:
https://blockchain.info/tx/edf2cf55299c2cae6ae0ea2b9c85978f771d2696a4efdcb3e21225c13cb20df6It seems you have a few parent TXID's that are needed to be accelerated first, and it may take you a while to complete all of these:
Here are they in order: 1 -
25dfa40bf5bfe1621bdd0273e88247d9e80515ea2c123311f1e473f7ed684b11 [Accelerate this first]
2 -
2ff2a30c5fa0488330cabaa86ede8f8d0d6306ea6aadaf1695b7e258dff5420e3 -
486f9bcba54248c7c41803ee2c1e37cc105f190239ec42c381f47235f71b78c54 -
511bc0f6df65426af986ac9998dd34113096576451eae6eecbd27f21c86a96cd5 -
ce6a5f9eb1d2d30348e46d19a49081bb7edaca30f47ffa90d34a96596441231d6 -
edf2cf55299c2cae6ae0ea2b9c85978f771d2696a4efdcb3e21225c13cb20df6 [I think this is double spent]
Here's what you're going to do. VIABtc accelerates 100 transactions per hour. Rely on the forum's official time (e.g., 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM, etc.), not on your computer's.
As you can see, there are red U's on #2 to #5, and not on #1. You cannot accelerate transactions with red U beside the Output. To determine if your TXID has red U in your Blockchain link, you must click
"Show scripts & coinbase".
When you accelerate
25dfa40bf5bfe1621bdd0273e88247d9e80515ea2c123311f1e473f7ed684b11, wait for a few hours until it receives confirmation. Go to the next TXID which is
2ff2a30c5fa0488330cabaa86ede8f8d0d6306ea6aadaf1695b7e258dff5420e, repeat the process until you can finally get to the last one for you to receive money.
I hope this helps you a bit. Again I'm not good in explaining this because I'm not an expert or with lots of experience.