Okay, thanks! How long do you think it will take for the Bitcoins to go though if I do nothing and just wait? I currently have 0 BTC in my wallet after the last transaction so I'm gonna need to buy more for quicksellers or mackbook-airs fee.
I don't know, it depends how many unconfirmed transactions there are in the network. There's been a huge backlog for weeks. It was starting to go down, but its started going up again today. There are currently over 90000 unconfirmed transactions in the network.
https://blockchain.info/unconfirmed-transactionsThis website currently recommends paying 420 satoshis/byte for fast confirmations. but your low fee transaction only pays a fee rate of 76 satoshis/byte.
https://bitcoinfees.21.co/A few months ago the network would either have confirmed it or forgotten it within three days. However, recently people have been complaining that the network hasn't forgotten their low fee transactions after three weeks because some nodes keep rebroadcasting them.
If you do nothing you might get lucky, or might possibly have to wait weeks.
I'll try the viabtc accelerator again on the next hour.
editI tried, but was unlucky again. I got a "Submissions are beyond limit. Please try later." message.
edit2I successfully submitted your transaction to viabtc's accelerator. The viabtc pool will confirm it in the next block it mines if no other pool confirms it. It normally mines a few blocks a day, so it should be confirmed by this time tomorrow. There's a list of viabtc's latest mined block times here.
https://blockchain.info/blocks/ViaBTCedit3ViaBTC confirmed your transaction when it mined block 468956. It's now got 12 confirmations.