Sent you extra because I saw you were scammed by the scammer clue4
Damn..thanks..yeah...foolish move on my part...420 dollar lesson in dealing with noobs...don't, unless they pay first or use escrow with a legitimate escrow agent that you yourself contact directly...don't let them contact could be a shill.
I seek to expose and poke holes in scammers on here if I can...more militantly now that it's happened to me.
I successfully avoided the first scammer I encountered...NEVER DOWNLOAD ANYTHING other than actual coin clients for doing a deal with a member...someone tried to have me download a trojan...AutoEscrew...which I decided not to do...but that bastard is still on here preying on other noobs I'm careful folks...this ain't your grandma's forum...and these aren't your friends.
If you need a good escrow person...I recommend John K (johnthedong). Great track record of assisting members in transacting business on these forums. I have yet to do business with him personally, but he is doing the escrow for a friend...and everything has been legit (the deal is ongoing...but he's lived up to his every promise).