Today we have an auction for a total of .69185% of CoinHoarder's Batch 3 Avalon group buy. This represents 5 BTC (as it is known in the group). I need the few coins for an unforeseen expense.
Group buy information:
Original Thread: Forums: investor owns a percentage of each of the seven 4 Module ASICs that were ordered.
Monthly dividends will be pad out to each investor according to their ownership percentage.
Dividends will be paid after electricity costs, any pool fee (yet to be determined), and 3% hosting fee are taken out.
Total BTC invested in the group buy: 722.7025 BTC
595 Gh total from all Seven Avalons
The auction will last 2 days, 4 hours (or so) from the time of this OP (00:00 UTC, 5/6/2013). This is the default forum time, so I will accept the posting timestamp.
The starting bid is 1.9 BTC per share.
The bidding increments are .01 BTC
You may bid for 1, 2, 3, 4, or all 5.
A higher number of shares at a given price beats earlier, lower bids.
If escrow is desired, I have no objection. Probably not needed as CoinHoarder lurks here.
No PM bids will be accepted. All bids must be in this thread.
Good Luck,