If for example on bluetrade exchange I put in a future sell order. But someone for example sells 150.000 coins for the same price/per coin that I set let's say 0.00009 BTC per coin. And I am selling 40000 coins for that same price, 0.00009 BTC per coin. Who is gonna get prioritised when it comes to selling first. Who's gonna be able to sell first???
As per most of the exchange's practices your time of order will be maintained to prioritize your order among others. You can find this when you closely watching how orders are partially getting fulfilled. But I guess some exchanges may have different terms for handling this, but I could not get how fairly they can go other than first-in first-out basis.
Some exchanges may go for malfunctioning there when their own orders competing against your orders. These are just assumptions. We can be sure about complete fairness when trading with only reputed exchanges.