I am developing websites as a hobby and I am wondering if it would be possible to create a blockchain using Javascript or Ajax to utilize the hardware resources of a website visitor during its stay on a website via a peer-to-peer network between users. I already created websites with 1,500 visitors online at the same time. With PC specs of like 4 CPU cores, 1 GB GPU and 4 GB RAM this would mean I have access to 1,500 GB GPU Power 6,000 CPU Cores and 6 Terabyte Ram.
Wouldn't this be enough to run a network of nodes to store and process payments with a token or coin, and also mining this token at the same time?
This answer seems to sum up all available options to establish peer-to-peer connections between users:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/10837667Here you can test it yourself with 2 open browser windows, to connect to yourself to send messages peer-to-peer (which of course would also work with another user somewhere else:
http://cdn.peerjs.com/demo/chat.htmlBased on the assumption above and the implementation of such a chat you basically could send and receive a part of a blockchain and validate it against other parts of the same blockchain stored at other clients etc.
Does anybody see a reasonable potential with this approach?