I dont find this very attractive or even interesting! .i dont see any high value incentive to change my banking facility! and with a FDIC backing my deposits i know for a fact that if i deposit 1 USD i will still have that if inflation goes up or down with no regard to external or supply and demand synopsis.
it is too early and not well thought out yet and to replace a bank there needs to be HUGE amounts of trust prior !
Trust has to be built from the ground up. Even JP Morgan when they first started had very little trust. Everybody has to start somewhere and now is the time our team begins ProtonBank. We are here for the long haul, and look to build trust over time.
I understand what you mean by price fluctuation, but here at ProtonBank, we believe Ethereum is the Currency of the future and many billion dollar corporations agree (EEA). By banking with Ethereum today, you must share this thinking with us. You must believe in Ethereum as much as our team does. Our team only invests in assets that are built on the Ethereum Blockchain, and we must believe that those assets are going to grow faster than the growth of Ethereum, but by default, Ethereum is our home base.
ProtonBank could raise 10 million or 500k, we will continue and work towards developing advance application services on the block chain. I mention we plan to work with Civic in the future if things go well in order to attach identify to your ProtonBank account (optional) enabling us to then offer Ethereum Loans like a traditional bank. One thing to mention here is that we are trying to make a online presence. We are already taking investments in fiat cash locally and investing it for others. The token service is actually a loophole to avoiding taxes, as its no longer "investing" for our clients, but more of just buying our tokens, which is global currency, and according to the last lawsuit case against bitcoin, once funds have been in crypto for more than a year, it is no longer subject to income tax. There is a lot of development going on behind what you see in making this a reality. We currently lack a visual designer, and are currently looking to hire one which will greatly improve the window into what we do, and for that I apologize.
On a separate note, obviously putting your life savings into ProtonBank for anyone would be a risky move, and I wouldn't be expecting anyone to just yet. Although for someone that believes in crypto currency, but doesn't have the time to research on the current trends and fears of a collapse, ProtonBank is a excellent choice. We convert to USDT when we feel like things are looking bad. Our biggest goal is to protect our clients money, and thus far, we have been doing amazing with our tools. ProtonBank plans to never be transparent with our trades, but only with our capital on our transparency page. But for a inside look, ProtonBank took the ride in Ethereum to 395, sold into USDT, bought into Golem at 44 cents and enjoyed that ride. Our trades are very profitable, as we have a dedicated research team behind it.
Our team thanks you for your comment, and hopes we can learn from it. Thanks