I indeed received a vouch copy for this eBook.
I can say that this ebook is well written, no spelling mistakes, it has step by step things to follow, pictures etc.
But of course this requires a lot of effort and some small skills.
I can see that $100 is possible but it will require a lot of hours of dedication a day on this. $20 a day or something near to it would be more realistic.
Thank you.
For me, it is not important that you have to earn $20, $50 or even $100 a day..
But it is most important that the method is legit and workable..
If we earn minimum $10 a day with this method, I think it will be a fantastic method.
Because $10 a day will make you $300 a month.. And you are getting this method for just $9.99
It will really worth the time & money.. This is just my opinion..
What we (The BitcoinTalk Community) need is a legit and workable method from a legit seller..
Op please give vouch copies to senior + members.. If they have green trust than it will be much better.