Default fees won't be this much. This is too expensive for the amount you wish to get transacted. If your have the options to change fees for the transaction please reset to default. Most of the wallet has a default fees around 0.0008 to 0.0012 in online wallet.
Default fees will definitely be this much if the OPs transaction has a large number of inputs resulting in a large transaction size. The appropriateness of a transaction fee is not (and should not be) determined by the "total" value being used. Fees should be considered in terms of sats/byte or btc/kB. This is how miners look at the fee.
Recommended fees can be seen here: the wallet name and pub address you are using? Experts can check to assist you better.
From the screenshots, it looks like wallet on a mobile phone... Like the desktop browser version of the wallet, it allows for a "custom fee" to be used. It is set in sats/byte. So you can specify exactly what you want to use for a fee rate.
I am about 99.9% sure that the reason the OP is having such a large fee calculated is due to them receiving several transactions of small amounts of bitcoins from their mining activities. With current fee rates of ~300 sats/byte... every input to a transaction will require ~300 sats/byte * 148 bytes = 44,400 sats as a fee... so if you have 10 inputs, your fee is at least 444,000 sats... as I mentioned earlier, as your fee was around 715,000 sats, I would guess you have around 15 inputs in your transaction. Mostly likely as a result of accepting a bunch of "dust" sized transactions from mining.
NOTE: There is a danger that doing this will result in a transaction that ViaBTC won't accept (ie. if it includes any dust sized outputs) and your transaction may get stuck. Attempt this at your own risk.My suggestion if you're wanting to reduce your fee, is set the custom fee to at least 10 sats/byte (i'd suggest 11+ sats/byte to account for any round errors) and then try and push your transaction using the
ViaBTC TX Accelerator