had to see this twice now but i take a 3 rd view for sure.
2:22 Starts
I see a settled Matonis
I see a nervous Wright
He s getting in rage about scaling and governance
He shows lots of insight and data ( will be distributed by Matonis) from the beginning and code pieces and annekdotes.
Smart contracts, B2B, 0 conf tx,...
He will offer some solutios and let the market decide to choose.
He will run a pool to enforce his solutions.
He answers QA and gives a hint why Satoshi Nakamoto is 'Japanese' and Nakamoto was taken from a Japanese Economist who tried colluding with the Western world. 11 = 179 ??
Finally i can only say these guys know a lot and want to make bitcoin great again.recommendet!
I personally can distinguish beween emotion and calculus. So i m happy to see what comes next and I like to see a proper human discussion from my bitcoin community down here. Take a stepp back, whatch the video 2 times and post analytcally...
Edit: I also beleive, if bitcoin should succeed, we have to think big and invite all big to join. Who wants to stay nichy?